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The 24 solar terms classify the whole year into 24 phases in order in accordance to the earth's climatic change caused by the change of the sun's site change. 一年又24个节气,二十四节气是根据太阳在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置来划分的。

Rain more and temperature higher, nurse and harmonize Liver and Spleen, more outdoor activities to prevent being spring sleepy. 气温回升,降水增多,冰雪消融。注意调养脾胃,增加运动以缓解春困。

The rains(Yu Shui,雨水) is the period of rainfall in the whole year. In Chinese traditional medicine theory, the period of the rains plays the important role in caring spleen and stomach. The harmony of spleen and stomach can improve and regulate the physical metabolism. In Chinese traditional medicine, the root of human health is Yuan Qi(元气, Original Qi), and the root of Yuan Qi in human body is spleen and stomach. The poor spleen and stomach are the predominant causes of different diseases. So in the aspect of eating, people had better not eat too much oily and fat food but the red Chinese date, lotus, leek, spinach, orange, honey and sugarcane. 雨水节气是一年24个节气的第二个节气,雨水节气期间雨水较多。传统中医理论认为,降雨期间是调理脾胃的最佳时期。脾胃“和谐”有助于改善和调节身体的新城代谢。据中国传统医学。人类健康的根本是元气(气)(中医认为,脾胃为“后天之本”,“气血生化之源”),脾胃主元气。脾胃失和是引起疾病的主要根源。因此,在饮食方面,人们最好不要吃太油腻和脂肪含量过高的食物,而要吃红枣、莲藕、韭菜、菠菜、蜂蜜和甘蔗。