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俄罗斯阿姨惊险疯狂甩Baby 竟是婴儿瑜伽?

2012-03-01来源:daily mail
'Most people think young babies can only lie on a bed, eat, and cry. But babies are born with natural reflexes, which we can use to help them develop physically and intellectually.

'I work with parents from across Europe. I hope soon I will be working with a family in England. I think there are a number of open-minded parents there whose babies could benefit from my work.' According to Lena, baby yoga was first practiced by ancient African tribes – but the modern incarnation was developed by fellow Russian Dr Igor Charkovsky, who was also present at the seminar.
“我与欧洲各地的父母紧密合作。我希望不久我能和英国家庭合作一次。我想那里会有一批开明的父母,让他们的婴儿受益于我的工作。” 根据莱娜的说法,婴儿瑜珈最初是由古代非洲部落开始的–但现代的方法则是由俄罗斯研究员艾格·柴可夫斯基博士发展而来,他也出席了研讨会。

Lena added: 'The method was originally developed to cure and correct the health of children having muscular or skeletal problems but it is also suitable for healthy children. The movements are designed to improve their muscular abilities and development. And the children often turn out to be early readers, singers, talkers, swimmers. It also makes their hands stronger. We are humanists and we don’t do anything wrong.'

At the camp the parents, hailing mainly from Russia and the Ukraine, also seemed entirely satisfied as they stood by and watched Lena treat their babies, usually above a gravel floor. Lena has also conducted workshops in Thailand and India where she has worked on children from all over the world.

Lena studied physical education at the University of Physcial Culture in Moscow, achieving a Master's degree.