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The rise was partly seasonal, as there were few buyers in January when China came to a standstill for the lunar new year festival.
Yet many like Ms Sun were also betting on something more fundamental: that Beijing would back down in its longstanding tightening campaign, allowing the housing market to soar once more. That expectation fuelled a 20 per cent jump in the shares of the country's biggest developers such as Vanke and Evergrande last month.
But central government has shown no sign of taking its foot off the brake. At every turn, Wen Jiabao, the premier, has reiterated that he still wants to reduce prices to more affordable levels. A few cities, desperate for revenue from land sales, have tried to loosen policy, only to be slapped back into line by Beijing.
Ni Zhengzhen, a contractor at The World with a crew of electricians and plumbers, predicted that the government would soon lose its nerve.
"Our country needs housing construction. It's what drives the economy. They've got to let money back into the sector. We're all suffering and short of cash," he said.
Pointing to a grey-haired worker in a greatcoat held together by clothes pins, he added: "If there's no money, he won't get paid and will lose his job. The government doesn't want that."
While Beijing is worried about high property prices, it is also concerned about the potential for unrest, particularly as the Communist party prepares to change its leadership.
Mr Ni has already cut his crew from a peak of 200 to about 20. And he has also accepted property as payment — he owns two villas and two apartments in North America.
Investment in housing directly accounts for about 10 per cent of China's economy. Through its indirect impact on companies from steel mills to fridge makers, it is even more important.
But the highway from The World to downtown Tianjin, a 40km stretch of new towers and construction sites, is a reminder of why the government has been so determined to cool the property market.
"The situation of housing prices continually increasing and local governments selling more and more of their land to finance their investments?.?.?.?is crazy. This is destroying our economy. No economy can grow like that," said Li Daokui, a Tsinghua University professor and an adviser to the central bank.
“房价不断上涨、地方政府出售越来越多土地以资助自身投资的局面……是疯狂的。这种局面正在摧毁我们的经济。没有一个经济体能够这样增长,”清华大学(Tsinghua University)教授、中国央行顾问李稻葵表示。
"If it continues, the fundamental health of the country's economy will be in jeopardy."