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谷歌食堂吃货天堂 好的创意吃出来!


By now, the American search giant's cafeteria has achieved a fame to match the firm itself. In keeping with the corporate "Innovate or Die" motto, Google's chefs come up with new ideas every day.

At 11:30 each morning, as the sun streams in through the bay window of Google's canteen, an aroma begins to fill the room. It's time for those hoodie-and-jeans sporting IT workers to march in with identity cards hanging round their necks – ready for a good meal. They are calm and in a good mood: they know what awaits them. Those of us who don't get to enjoy this every day can't but help feel a little envious.

谷歌食堂吃货天堂 好的创意吃出来

You are wrong if you think these workers are taking a break -- they have simply embarked upon a fresh project. Their first mission is to choose between Chinese or Western food. Then comes the multi-choice exam of selecting what you'd like from the buffet, the salad bar or perhaps ordering something to be cooked.Among the dozen Chinese dishes on offer, we have braised duck wings, fried kidneys with squid, lamb chops and Mandarin fish - all steaming hot and ready to go. If that doesn't get your digestive juices flowing, consider what is available from the West: slow-stewed shoulder of beef with mango salsa, grape-braised clams and homemade pizza.After you've managed to choose a main course, six highly original desserts are lying in wait. Everything is free and you can eat as much as you want. At this point, if you work somewhere else, try not to think about your own office cafeteria.
每天的菜单都贴在食堂门口,里边则分为中餐区、西餐区、沙拉区和 现做区。举个例子,某天的中餐凉菜是卤鸭翅和酸辣蕨根粉,热菜则有韭黄炒杏鲍菇、温炝双花、盐水鳜鱼、风味羊排等等不下十种,西餐主打的则是“12小时焗 牛肩峰配芒果萨萨汁”以及白葡萄汁烩蛤蜊,另配当家比萨,还有六道西式甜品。形式是自助餐,不用刷卡不用付费,吃多少悉听君便。

Xue Rongsheng (薛荣升), Google China's head chef, with nearly 20 years of experience in five-star hotels, told the EO that the chefs use the world's best equipment in the kitchen. When the canteen was opened in 2007, in all of Beijing you could only find two of the ovens that they use. In addition, he is told not to worry about the purchasing budget for his ingredients.

The only mission for Xue and his assistants is: "to submerge ourselves in the ocean of cuisine." They are a team of two-dozen people. There are more than 500 in-house diners daily, but they provide enough quantity for up to 800, because the staff loves bringing in their friends and family for the occasional meal - and they often pick up take-away when they plan to work late into the night.
这种环境让厨师们“完全沉浸在了技艺的海洋”。目前谷 歌拥有20多名员工的餐厅团队服务对象是公司超过500名员工,而每日提供的则是七八百人的菜量,因为经常有员工会带家人和朋友过来吃饭,偶尔还要打包留 给晚上加班。厨师长薛荣升有近二十年的五星级酒店从业经验,五年前经数轮PK成为谷歌食堂的当家掌勺人。