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谷歌食堂吃货天堂 好的创意吃出来!


So with all this top-end (gratis) gastronomy, are Google's staff stuffing themselves too much?Not necessarily. The menus are carefully designed to meet the requirements of a balanced diet. Most cooking methods involve stewing and boiling, with much less frying than one might find in other Beijing restaurants.

There's a chart called "The pyramid of health" stuck at the most obvious place in the canteen. It's a diagram, developed by Google and Harvard University, where foods are divided into three color-coded groups: Green means "Eat as much as you fancy," yellow means "in moderation," and red means "just occasionally."

There are only two universal rules for Google's canteens throughout the world. One is no MSG. The other is to limit the use of oil."The amount of oil used in a normal restaurant would be enough for us to fry 30 dishes," Xue says."Besides, we encourage the staff to eat whole rice. We let the rice soak 20 for hours first. The amino acid content is thus multiplied, guaranteeing both the taste and the healthiness."
谷歌 厨房的全球统一标准是不放味精,并且严格控制炒菜的用油量,“在外面炒一盘菜的油,谷歌用来炒30盘菜,”薛师傅说,“我们主张员工吃糙米饭,提前用水把 糙米泡上20个小时,等待其出现了发芽的物理反应再上锅蒸,氨基酸的含量呈几何倍数增加,并同时保证了口感与健康。”

One of the characteristics of an engineer is their attachment to using data to analyze an issue. Even such a concern as the proper amount of salt added to a dish can be collected through Internet feedback.
除此以外,每一盘菜都有自己的标签。“画一颗星的是烹饪温 度低于48度,两颗星则是高于这个温度;有猪肉的菜,我们会画一只小猪,提示穆斯林员工;菜里加了酒,我们会加‘酒杯’的标志;加了奶,就有‘奶瓶’的标 识;如果有蚝油或者蛤蜊、虾等,我们会画一个小螃蟹,对贝壳类过敏的员工就会了解。”薛师傅解释。

"Don't ever imagine that engineers are somehow a shy bunch," says Xue. "Their willingness to express what they want would surprise you."
工程师文化便是以数字说明问题,谷歌会科学地收集大家的反馈,哪怕一道菜是咸是淡,都可以通过员工的网络投票比率来分析, “不要以为工程师是羞涩的群体,他们的表达欲会出乎你的意料。”薛荣升说。