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谷歌食堂吃货天堂 好的创意吃出来!


So how passionate are Google's chefs about their work? One answer is that between 2007 and 2010, the team created more than 3,000 different kinds of dessert. As for the main courses, they gave up counting. One can't help thinking that there are some people who would pay to work at Google.

Once a week, there's a Research-and-Development menu. Every chef has to come up with a new invention on this day. After trying it out, some of the new dishes are offered in the following week's menu. Google's workers know that they will see at least one or two new dishes each day. Workers say they don't expect any repetition on the menu for at least 20 days, but Xue raised his eyebrows.

"It's more than that," he boasts. "Sometimes you have to wait three to five months before you see the same dish again. We exhaust all our energy in researching new dishes."

Xue uses a weekly videoconference to report on his work to Google's US headquarters, as well as the firm's Asia-Pacific chief executive officers.Every day the secretary to the team of chefs uploads the menu in advance on "Foodback," an internal company website that lets staff members at Google log on to Google+ social network to comment on each dish.
薛荣升每周要通过视频会议的形式,与美国总部和亚太地区的主管沟通食堂的近况,厨师团队的秘书则会每日将菜单提前上传至员工 内部网站Foodback(饮食反馈)上,与全球的谷歌厨师分享。他们甚至会应用谷歌的社交网站Google+,设立群组,在线讨论菜单的制定、开发和创 新,当然,任何一位谷歌员工都可以在上面发表对每一道菜品的评价和感受。当然,每年薛荣升还要飞去谷歌的北美总部,参加一年一度的谷歌厨师“大会师”。

"Traditional style restaurants are slow in responding to clients' reactions to their food, unless the diners demonstrate a strong demand," Xue said. But as an Internet giant, Google relies on technology to respond to the needs of diners in a timely manner.And more than that, "We use our imagination to develop the Google staff palate," he explains. "For instance, we have Western and Chinese bakers working together to invent new desserts, combining Beijing's traditional bean cake with tiramisu filling, or our snail roll using millet flour pancakes from Shandong, and our steamed Cantonese pork roll matched with Japanese tempura. They are all very popular with the workers."
这种在互联网辅助下的电子化有效沟通,充分地展现了谷歌作为一家互联网企业的个性十足。“传统餐馆对于客人的反应是滞后的,往往只有客人有了强烈的要求, 才会反馈到厨房里,”薛师傅说,而谷歌的厨师则喜欢用想象力决定员工的味觉,“中点师傅和西点师傅一起工作,发明出提拉米苏驴打滚,颠覆了中式驴打滚硬硬 的红豆馅料。我们的蜗牛卷用的是山东临沂的小米面煎饼,广东的肠粉搭配日式天妇罗,这些菜都受到了员工的欢迎。”