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  President Barack Obama, courting young voters crucial to his reelection, told a rowdy college-age crowd at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Tuesday that he knows first-hand about the burden of student loans because he only managed to pay his back a scant eight years ago。

  美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马星期二造访北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校, 向年轻选民示意他们对于他的连任大选来说很重要。奥巴马坦言,他自己也亲身体验过助学贷款的负担,因为他自己是在8年前菜还清助学贷款。


  "Michelle and I, we've been in your shoes," Obama, who turns 51 in August, told a cheering, capacity crowd of 8,000 at Carmichael Arena。

  “米歇尔和我也经历过你们正在经历的压力。” 他在可容纳8,000人的卡米高竞技场向大家坦言道,今天8月奥巴马将迎来50岁生日。

  "Check this out, all right. I'm the president of the United States. We only finished paying off our student loans off about eight years ago. That wasn't that long ago. And that wasn't easy--especially because when we had Malia and Sasha, we're supposed to be saving up for their college educations, and we're still paying off our college educations," he said。


Romney  The president's emphasis on his modest upbringing seemed designed to invite comparisons to presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The White House has denied specifically targeting the multi-millionaire financier with such attacks even as the Obama campaign has pointedly attacked Romney's personal finances。


  Obama's stop in North Carolina was the first on a two-day, campaign-style swing through battleground states to reengage young voters who powered his historic 2008 campaign but seem less enthused about the 2012 election. His chief policy message was an appeal for Congress to pass legislation to stop interest rates on a popular student loan from doubling July 1 from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent。
