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Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy

  3. Eddie Murphy

  Eddie Murphy was born on April 3, 1961 in Brooklyn, NewYork, U.S. His birth name was Edward Regan Murphy. He started doing stand-ups in Long Island comedy clubs when he was only 15. He was a born comedian and was elected as the most popular student at Roosevelt Junior and Senior High。


  Eddie Murphy debuted in 1980 on Saturday Night Live and acted for the first time on the big screen in Walt Hill’s 1982 action comedy 48 Hrs. It made Eddie Murphy an $8 million per picture star. He was Oscar nominated in 2006 for his role in the musical Dreamgirls。



  If a tragedy is like the salt of life, a comedy is invigorating sugar be it in any form; a stand-up, sitcom, joke, farce, burlesque, or slapstick, it requires the best of the comedian to produce the desired result。总结:如果悲剧是生活中的盐,任何形式的喜剧就是生活中充满生气的糖。不论是独角戏,情景喜剧,笑话,闹剧,滑稽戏,只有最好的喜剧演员才能呈现最好的效果!