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纽约失恋男遍留电话求安慰 7万人回应重拾信心


Breaking up with his girlfriend forced one lonely guy to take drastic action - and he ended up reaching out to thousands of people all over the world.

When a devastated Jeff Ragsdale, a stand-up comedian and actor from New York, was left 'near suicidal' after breaking up with his girlfriend, he realized he felt like the loneliest man in the world in a city of more than eight million.
纽约的喜剧演员Jeff Ragsdale失恋之余几欲自杀。泱泱纽约,八百万人众,却无一人孤寂能与其比肩。

纽约失恋男遍留电话求安慰 7万人回应重拾信心

So Jeff decided to do something drastic - he put fliers up all over New York saying: 'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
因此Jeff决定做件惊人大事:他在纽约的大街小巷张贴传单,表示:“无论你有任何事想要倾诉,请联系(347)469-3173. 我是Jeff,一个孤独的男人。”

The response he got was overwhelming.

'Immediately, New Yorkers started calling in overwhelming numbers and after a week it went viral and people from all over the world were calling,' Jeff said.
“很快,许多纽约人给我打了电话,一周后来自世界各地的电话以病毒传播的速度纷至沓来,我应接不暇。” Jeff坦言。

In the first day he got 100 calls and texts. One week later it was up to one thousand. It is now more than 70,000 and the calls and texts are still coming thick and fast even after eight months.People have been calling from all over the world - as far away as Vietnam, England, Saudi Arabia and Japan.

Around 40 per cent were people calling from New York, ranging from pimps to prisoners to a Wall Street trader.