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纽约失恋男遍留电话求安慰 7万人回应重拾信心

Jeff, 40, said he is still in touch almost daily with about 20 people he 'clicked with'.

Many people called him just to say he wasn't alone, others gave him advice, others vented at him, other counseled, he counseled others.

So touched was he by the experience he decided to write a book about it. He revealed his favorite calls are when 'a person is completely candid and we help each other out by venting and listening'.

'One of my favorites was a call by this disabled mother in the U.S,' he said.

'In 45 minutes she passed on a lifetime of wisdom. She taught me that I’m never going to be happy until I love myself. ’

'I have not liked myself in the past. For me this was revolutionary, trying to start to like myself. Happiness, she said, must to come from inside.’