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毕业求职季 海归PK本土


毕业求职季 海归PK本土

Gan Xiaochen, 22, an international journalism major graduate, got a bit uneasy during job hunting this year.

She found herself surrounded by candidates with good language skills, polished manners, and fabulous degrees - the overseas study returnees.

"In a group interview for a ‘Big Four' accounting firm, I discovered three out of eight candidates have experience studying abroad," said Gan from Beijing Foreign Studies University.

"Good English was no longer an advantage to me, and I had to prove my merit through logic and reasoning."

Gan got the job. Many grads are facing competition from overseas study returnees.

The latest statistics from Zhaopin.com show that the number of students returning from studying abroad has reached 186,200 last year, an increase of 38.8 percent from 2010.

They're making an impact on the job market. "Both foreign-funded enterprises and local firms with global strategies have a liking for those students," said William Wu, vice president of the Asia Pacific region at Universum, a leading global employment research company.

Wu says proficient language skills as well as an open mindset help them adapt to a multi-national environment. Their independent thinking and decision-making abilities also prepare them for leadership roles.

That's what made Sun Shao, 23, a chemical engineering major from University of Michigan, stand out and land an offer from Deloitte recently.

Mary Ma, a recruiting HR manager from Edelman, one of the world's largest independent public relations companies based in the US, said her company welcomes returned graduates for their practical education.

"Returnees could bring dynamic ideas and fresh perspectives to our clients' projects," she said.

"Professors in PR-related majors in the West often have rich working experience within the industry and can share case studies with students."