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It is a familiar complaint from those of a certain age: today’s pop music is louder and all the songs sound the same. It turns out they are right.

Research shows that modern recordings are louder than those of the 1950s and 60s. They are also blander, with less variety in terms of chords and melodies.


The finding, which will come as no surprise to all those over the age of 35 or so, comes from Spanish researchers who carried out a computer analysis of the key features of almost half a million pop, rock and hip hop songs from 1955 to 2010.

This revealed today’s tracks to be louder. The researchers say this is because sound engineers and producers are cranking up the volume at the recording stage.

As a result, if two tracks are turned up to the same volume at home, the more recent will sound noisier.

This is thought to not simply due to better recording equipment but an attempt to make music that catches the attention and is suitable for playing in discos.

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, also found evidence that songs are more similar than in the past.

The chords used and the changes between chords are simpler, leading to the production of music that is easy on the ear but contains little variety.

Researcher Martin Haro, of Barcelona’s Pompeu Fabra University, said: ‘I think this is related to the role of music.

‘Nowadays, it is more about relaxing, you don’t want to think about what the music is telling you. In the 1950s and 60s, music was more artistic and for getting messages, things about politics, across.