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Many have heard of Warren Buffet's famous lunches. Guests can ask the billionaire investor any questions about business and philanthropy over a fine meal in a restaurant.
很多人听说过著名的"沃伦•巴菲特午餐"。 在餐厅享用大餐的过程中,来宾们可以向这位身价亿万的投资家请教任何关于生意和慈善方面的问题。

Recently, Qi Lin, 23, a finance major from Nanjing University and 19 fellow students had the chance to quiz CEOs over dinner.

They asked the CEOs of Bertelsmann China companies about careers and innovative ideas at a French restaurant in Beijing.

Qi asked how to deal with obstacles or frustrations at work.

Dennis Hu, CEO of avarto Systems China, a global IT full service provider replied: "It's important to have ownership of your own position. Instead of passively regarding your job as tasks, try to think of it in a more creative way."

Unlike Buffet's lunches, the 20 students didn't bid in an auction for places at the meal.

The group got their invites by displaying entrepreneurship in the Talents Meets Bertelsmann (TMB) China workshop 2012 to enter the final. They stood out from hundreds of applicants around the country. At dinner they were encouraged to fire questions at the CEOs and produce creative reports based on the information collected during the dinner.
这组学生凭借在2012"贝塔斯曼校园达人" (Talent Meets Bertelsmann,以下简称TMB)商业策划大赛中的创业展示,最终晋级决赛,从而获得了邀请。他们从来自全国各地的数百名参赛者中脱颖而出。在晚餐过程中,主办方鼓励他们向CEO们发出一连串的提问,并根据晚宴上收集到的信息撰写一份创新报告。

They divided into five groups and each team sat at a table with a CEO from one of the companies of the Bertelsmann group, a transnational media corporation.

"This gave students the opportunity to have face-to-face, in-depth talks with senior bosses, to share not only their business insights but also their career and life experiences and advice," said Elyn Hu, a senior HR manager of Bertelsmann China Corporate Center.

The students' questions ranged from how the bosses see themselves in the workplace to even how often they cook for themselves at home. "I was struck by all the odd questions the students raised," said Hong Kong native Ricky Ng, General Manager from iClick China, a leading online performance marketing provider in Asia.
学生的问题可谓五花八门,从老板们如何看待工作中的自己,到他们多久自己在家做一次饭吃。作为一位土生土长的香港人,亚洲领先的在线效果营销公司爱点击(中国)总经理Ricky Ng表示:"我被学生们提出的各种古怪问题雷到了。"

"I realized that students have lively and *unconfined minds. I'm also glad that they seem to put an emphasis on work and life balance," Ng said.
"我意识到学生们思维很活跃,很发散。他们似乎很注重工作与生活的平衡,这点也让我感到很开心。"Ricky Ng说道。

Some students wanted to know how the CEOs started their in-house careers as entrepreneurs from an entry-level position directly after graduation.

Kevin Xu, CEO of arvato China, a leading third party outsourcing provider, told them how he once spent several nights working on an electronic version of his company's invoice to provide a standardized version.