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Japanese authorities are expected Friday to deport 14 activists from Hong Kong arrested for landing on a disputed island, avoiding a trial that could fuel the growing territorial tensions in the region and infuriate neighbors such as China.

The Japan coast guard said Thursday night that they have handed over custody of nine of the activists to immigration officials in Naha, Okinawa prefecture. Okinawa police, who have been questioning the remaining five, said those activists were still with them.

Authorities have a deadline of Friday evening, in accordance with local procedure, to decide whether to send the case to prosecutors or hand the protesters over to immigration authorities to be sent out of the country.

Japanese media reported Thursday that the activists would likely be deported. A final decision is expected from the cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at its regularly scheduled meeting Friday.
据日本媒体周四报道,这些活动人士可能会被遣返。日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)的内阁预计将在周五的例会上做出最后决定。

The islands are controlled by Japan, which calls them the Senkaku, and claimed by China and Taiwan, which know them as the Diaoyu and the Tiaoyutai.

China has pressured Japan to drop any idea of filing charges for the landing on what it considers its territory. China's state-run Xinhua news agency said Foreign Ministry officials on Thursday again urged Japan to 'immediately and unconditionally' release its nationals. It said Japan should ensure the protesters' 'personal safety, dignity and fundamental rights.'
中国方面已经向日本施压,要求日本放弃任何对登上中国领土的活动人士提出指控的念头。据中国国有媒体新华社(Xinhua news agency)报道,中国外交部官员周四再次敦促日本立即无条件放人,并要求日方确保中方人员的人身安全、尊严和基本权利。

The coast guard's inability to stop the landing was a further embarrassment to Japan, embroiled in a separate territorial dispute with South Korea over islets, halfway between the two countries and controlled by South Korea, known as Liancourt Rocks by the U.S. and other parties outside the dispute. South Korea calls them calls them Dokdo; Japan calls them Takeshima.
日本海上保安厅未能阻止这些活动人士登岛让日本进一步陷入窘境。日本目前还与韩国卷入了一系列小岛的主权争议问题。这些小岛位于日韩之间的海域,目前由韩国控制,在美国以及其他与争议无关的国家被称作利扬库尔岩(Liancourt Rocks),在韩国叫做“独岛”(Dokdo),在日本叫做“竹岛” (Takeshima)。