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To compound matters, the strong yen has made it more difficult to follow up new innovations with the requisite cost reductions to appeal to the mass market. For cutting-edge products, Japanese firms often rely on domestic production and then sell the goods abroad. The strong yen, near record levels, has narrowed the profit margin of Japanese goods sold abroad - a problem that Korean manufacturers have avoided with the relatively weaker won. The erosion in earnings has also made it difficult to invest in future products and technologies.

In the latest example of the country's lose-the-lead affliction, Japanese companies are falling behind in the race to develop what is likely to become the dominant technology format for next-generation televisions: OLEDs, or organic light emitting diodes. The new displays are thinner and require less energy.
韩国顶级电视制造商三星已经在小型OLED显示屏市场占据主导地位,这种屏幕常用于智能手机和其他移动设备中。如今,三星及其本土竞争对手LG Electronics均计划在今年晚些时候推出55英寸的OLED电视。

Samsung, Korea's top TV maker, already dominates the market for smaller-size OLED displays featured in smartphones and other mobile devices. Now Samsung and domestic rival LG Electronics Co. each plans to launch a 55-inch OLED television later this year.
与索尼、松下、夏普和东芝(Toshiba Corp.)这些日本企业相比,这是一个很大的进步,这些公司花费了多年时间研发这一技术,同时也在苦苦思索如何将其商业化。为了试着缩小与韩国竞争对手的差距,索尼和松下这两个宿怨已久的对手史无前例地在6月同意结成联盟,共同开发OLED生产技术。

It is a major step forward compared to the Japanese firms - Sony, Panasonic, Sharp, and Toshiba Corp. - that have spent years developing the technology while struggling with how to commercialize it. In an attempt to close the gap on their Korean rivals, Sony and Panasonic, once bitter rivals, agreed to an uNPRecedented alliance in June to develop OLED production technology together.

That is a poignant comedown for Sony, which five years ago became the first manufacturer to sell an OLED television. At the time, company executives hailed it a 'symbol of Sony's comeback.' The 11-inch model - with a screen about one-tenth of an inch thick - was a technological marvel. But at $2,500 a pop, the OLED television was a financial flop.

The OLED stumble came just a few years after a similar setback in the last generation of TV technology. In 2004, Sony was the first company to introduce LCD televisions that replaced the TV's fluorescent backlight with brighter and more energy efficient light-emitting diodes, or LEDs. It also introduced the first TV that arranged the LEDs around the edges in 2008 to allow the screens to be thinner.

When Samsung came out with its models a year later, the company called them 'LED TVs,' a moniker to distinguish the new TVs from existing LCD models. The marketing strategy was a success and Samsung was able to get consumers to pay a premium for the new LED models, helping to slow the sharp decline in TV prices. According to research firm NPD, Samsung accounts for nearly half of all the LED televisions sold in North America while Sony did not rank among the top five sellers in the first half of 2012.

After years of missed chances, Sony has officially shifted gears, deciding that it actually makes more sense to let Samsung and others take the lead in developing new innovations. For all its pains of delivering groundbreaking technologies first, Sony executives concluded they were only creating targets for competitors to pursue and possibly imitate at a cheaper cost.
在今年4月份接掌索尼首席战略长一职的齐藤正(Tadashi Saito)说,领跑者得顶着风,有时候在后面跑会更容易。另一位熟悉索尼想法的高管称,索尼在电视业务上的亏损使其更难在OLED业务上大赌一把。

'The first runner has to face the wind - sometimes, it's easier to run from behind,' said Tadashi Saito, who took over in April as Sony's chief strategy officer. Another official familiar with Sony's thinking said the losses at its television business made it harder to take a 'gamble' on aggressively pursuing OLED.
这与索尼创建初期的情况存在很大差距,当时创始人盛田昭夫(Akio Morita)和井深大(Masaru Ibuka)为了生产一种新型彩电几乎使公司破产。在1964年发布原型机后,由于资金耗尽,索尼开始努力开发量产技术。索尼花了四年时间进行研发,然后才推出了奠定该公司后来30年成功基础的彩色显像管“特丽珑”。