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Given the shambolic record of China's national team, the position might just suit Maradona, who was fired last month from Dubai's Al Wasl FC after a disappointing season. Al Wasl finished eighth in its league and lost in the final of a regional tournament on penalties after two players were ejected for head-butting opponents.
考虑到中国国家足球队不堪回首的历史记录,这个职位可能刚好适合马拉多纳。在结束了一个令人失望的赛季之后,马拉多纳上个月被迪拜球队阿尔瓦斯尔(Al Wasl FC)解雇。在这个赛季中,阿尔瓦斯尔在迪拜足球联赛中仅名列第八位,并且在地区联赛决赛中,该队有两名球员用头顶撞对手被罚下场,最终在点球大战中输掉了比赛。

Maradona had earlier coached the Argentinian national team but was fired after a weak performance in the 2010 World Cup.
马拉多纳早先曾执教阿根廷国家队,但是由于该球队在2010年世界杯(World Cup)中表现不佳而被解聘。

Since his storied career as a player ended in the mid-1990s, Maradona has been known more for his erratic behavior than for his expert stewardship of any given team. During his time in Dubai he had several run-ins with opposing teams' fans and coaches, at one point charging into the stands to confront opposing fans who were taunting his girlfriend.

Prior to Dubai, Maradona had long been known for his strained relationship with the press. In 1994, he fired at journalists with an air gun, injuring four and earning himself a suspended jail sentence of two years and 10 months. But this apparently did not discourage the quick-tempered coach from confrontations with reporters. Two years ago, his car rolled over the leg of a cameraman, sending the man to hospital. And in a press conference after securing a spot in the 2010 World Cup, Mr. Maradona also hurled insults at reporters who doubted his coaching abilities by stating, "you can suck it, keep on sucking."

Maradona might be interested in China as a place where his troop of illegitimate children and questionable driving history would make him just another member of the upper class. But his desire to come to China likely has more to do with the reportedly massive salaries graying coaches and players, like Marcelo Lipi and Didier Drogba, are commanding in the country.