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Gold has been lackluster this year, but some high-profile fans say the future is brightening.

After soaring to an all-time high last year, gold prices have dropped 13%. Gold has crept higher in 2012, though it has lagged behind stocks and some other commodities.

But some investors, including Pacific Investment Management Co. and hedge-fund managers John Paulson and George Soros are doubling down on gold, while others are trumpeting bullish forecasts.
不过,包括太平洋投资管理公司(Pacific Investment Management Co.,简称Pimco)以及鲍尔森(John Paulson)、索罗斯(George Soros)等对冲基金经理在内的一些投资者正在加倍对黄金进行投资,同时另外一些人也不断发出对黄金的乐观预期。

They cite a continuing threat of financial turmoil in Europe, the prospect of additional U.S. monetary stimulus that could erode the value of the dollar and bolster gold, and the risk that long-dormant inflation could return.

Each scenario would benefit gold, which often acts as a haven from turmoil as well as keeping its value in times of inflation.

As if on cue, gold jumped almost 1% on Wednesday in electronic trading after minutes from the Federal Reserve's most recent policy-setting meeting indicated the central bankers were leaning toward a new round of quantitative easing. Many investors anticipate that could be announced as early as next month.

The world's biggest bond-fund manager, Pacific Investment Management, increased the gold holdings in its $21 billion CommodityRealReturn Strategy Fund to 11.5% of total assets recently, from 10.5% two months ago, according to Nicholas Johnson, the fund's co-manager. Pimco anticipates inflation will begin to rise in about a year and that gold will be a beneficiary.
全球最大的债券型基金公司Pimco旗下大宗商品实际回报策略基金(Commodity Real Return Strategy Fund)的联席基金经理约翰逊(Nicholas Johnson)说,他所管理的这只规模210亿美元的基金最近已将黄金资产占总资产的比例从两个月前的10.5%提高至11.5%。Pimco预计,通胀水平将会在大约一年以后开始抬头,届时黄金将因此受益。

'Broadly speaking, we prefer owning real assets as opposed to financial assets,' Mr. Johnson said. Mr. Johnson said his fund bought as gold dipped toward $1,500 a troy ounce.

As of late Wednesday in New York, gold was at $1,653.10 a troy ounce in electronic trading. The precious metal settled at $1,637.40, down 0.15% for the day, but up 4.6% so far this year.

Gold's all-time high of $1,888.70─without adjusting for inflation─came in August last year, just weeks after Standard & Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating.
去年8月黄金价格创出1,888.70美元(未经通胀调整)的历史纪录,而此前几周,标准普尔(Standard & Poor)下调了对美国的信用评级。

That decline has caused pain for many gold bulls. But several have held on to their positions in anticipation that the metal will come roaring back.

'I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a new record this year,' said Eric Sprott, chief investment officer at Toronto-based Sprott Asset Management. The firm has various funds that offer exposure to gold, including its Offshore Fund Limited, which bets on shares of miners, among other things. Still, that exposure hasn't helped the fund, which is down 26% this year through July.
多伦多基金公司Sprott Asset Management的首席投资长斯普罗特(Eric Sprott)说,如果今年金价创下历史新高,我一点也不会感到意外。该公司有多种投资黄金领域的基金,其中包括Offshore Fund Limited。这只基金押注的对象之一是矿业公司的股票。尽管如此,在黄金上的投资并没有给这只基金带来提振,今年截至7月份该基金累计下跌了26%。

Prominent fund managers, including Messrs. Paulson and Soros, also have increased their gold holdings, according to regulatory filings. Mr. Paulson's firm, Paulson & Co., held 98 million shares of various gold-mining companies as of June 30, up 3.5% from the end of the first quarter, according to filings. The shares were worth $1.9 billion at June 30, according to filings.
据提交给监管机构的备案文件显示,包括鲍尔森和索罗斯在内的知名基金经理也已经增持了黄金。据监管备案文件显示,截至6月30日,鲍尔森麾下的Paulson & Co.持有各类金矿公司股票共9,800万股,较一季度末增加了3.5%。据备案文件显示,以6月30日的股价计算,这些股票总值为19亿美元。