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Google Inc. faces intensifying challenges in China after a popular website and Internet browser company there replaced the search service for its own technology.
中国一家人气颇高的网站及互联网浏览器公司用自己的技术替代了谷歌(Google Inc. )的搜索服务,由此可见,谷歌在中国面临的挑战正在不断增大。

Qihoo 360 Technology Co. launched its own search engine last week and is in the process of making it the default on its website and browser, said Chief Financial Officer Alex Xu in a Tuesday interview. The Beijing company, whose Internet browser reached about 270 million monthly users in the first quarter, previously offered Google's search technology as the first choice.
奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology Co. )首席财务长徐祚立周二在接受采访时说,奇虎360上周推出了自己的搜索引擎,目前正在将其设置为奇虎360网站和浏览器的默认搜索引擎。这家北京公司此前曾将谷歌搜索引擎作为用户的首选。今年一季度,该公司互联网浏览器的月使用人数达到约2.7亿。

Qihoo's move underscores the uphill battle Google faces to penetrate a market dominated by domestic rivals, including Baidu Inc., which holds 78.6% of the search market in the second quarter, according to industry research firm Analysys International.
奇虎360的举动凸显出谷歌在打入一个由百度(Baidu Inc. )等国内竞争对手主导的市场时面临的艰巨挑战。据行业研究公司易观国际(Analysys International)的数据,今年二季度百度在中国搜索市场所占份额为78.6%。

Google's search market share in China has dwindled since it announced in 2010 that it would no longer adhere to China's censorship policies and moved its Web search and other services to Hong Kong, where it doesn't have to comply with regulations in mainland China. Google held 15.7% of China's search market in the second quarter, according to Analysys.

It isn't clear exactly how Qihoo's decision will affect Google's market share.

Although Mr. Xu said users will still have the option to select Google's search service, the switch makes it likely that Qihoo's users will use its own services. In the first quarter the company estimated it had 77 million unique visitors per day to its website.

Qihoo's Mr. Xu said that Google's customer service had declined since it made its decision to leave China in 2010, and that Qihoo's aim was to provide a quality search engine for its users.

'We believe there is room in China's search market for a search engine that can provide more relevant results at a fast speed,' he said.