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As tribute bands go, these guys are good. Less than two years old, the Beijing Beatles have racked up more than 120 gigs since first appearing on the Beijing music circuit. They perform in costume, sporting the simple black turtlenecks of the Beatles' early years as well as flamboyant Sgt. Pepper suits, custom-tailored in Shanghai, that resemble the ones John, Paul, George and Ringo donned during the later era. They play two or three sets per gig, usually incorporating a versatile range of Beatles music.
作为致敬乐队,这些人表现不错。从第一次出现在北京音乐圈以来,成立不到两年的北京甲壳虫乐队已经演出超过120场。他们演唱的时候身穿甲壳虫乐队早年素雅的高翻领毛衣,也模仿晚期的约翰、保罗、乔治和林戈,穿上在上海定制的“帕伯军士”(Sgt. Pepper)花哨套装。他们每一场都演唱两三套曲目,常常把各种风格的甲壳虫歌曲融合在一起。

'It gives people this chance to see what the Beatles used to be,' Mr. Burns said. 'It's a chance for them to experience the Beatles, not just the songs.'

The Beijing Beatles started out playing in local bars to gauge how much demand there was for the Fab Four's music. The response was overwhelmingly positive, mostly from Beijing's foreign community at first, but later from Chinese as well.

Robert Honer, an American citizen who will soon relocate to Beijing, caught the cover band's act on his first visit to the city. 'They had a lot of energy, and so did the audience, particularly with songs like 'Hey Jude,'' he said. 'It didn't really feel like I was in Beijing.'
即将迁居至北京的美国人罗伯特•霍纳(Robert Honer)在第一次来到这座城市的时候偶然间看到了北京甲壳虫的演出。他说,他们非常兴奋,观众也非常兴奋,特别是在唱《嗨裘德》(Hey Jude)的时候;我觉得自己简直不是在北京。

The band now plays everywhere from bars to embassy balls to private weddings. And they're finding their image appearing in some unexpected places such as an ad for a symphonic performance of Beatles music that included the Beijing group's mock Abbey Road photo rather than a picture of the original group.
从酒吧到使馆舞会再到私人婚礼现场,现在这支乐队哪里都演。另外他们的形象也出现在了一些让人想不到的地方,比如在一场交响甲壳虫音乐演出的广告上,就出现了北京甲壳虫模仿的《艾比路》(Abbey Road)专辑封面画,而不是原版甲壳虫乐队的画面。

The Beijing Beatles also say they would like to continue playing outside of Beijing, making the rounds in China's smaller cities, though they'll be scaling back the number of appearances in favor of refining the overall show.

'We want to improve the act, work on improving the visual,' Mr. Burns said. 'We're all fans and we're in such a privileged position to decide what we want to do.'