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'The badge aims to encourage customers to give up their seats to pregnant women and help mothers-to-be feel more comfortable using the Tube,' wrote Candice Jones.

New York has the MTA's 'Courtesy is Contagious' announcements, but no one listens to them.
纽约的大都会运输署(MTA)贴出了“礼貌可以影响他人”(Courtesy is Contagious)的宣传语,但大家对此都无动于衷。

Pregnant women─past and present─have a lot to say on this topic.

There is no trend. Some say they always get a seat; others that they rarely do.

Expecting mothers have different strategies.

Lindsay Reitzes, who gave birth five months ago, used to take the Q train every day and strip down to her lightest layer. 'I always put on a big show when I got on the subway,' said the 33-year-old Park Slope resident. 'I'd take off my jacket and I'd sit there holding my stomach and kind of leaning against the bar looking very tired and exhausted.'
现年33岁的林赛•雷泽斯(Lindsay Reitzes)家住公园坡(Park Slope),五个月前刚刚生完孩子,怀孕时她天天乘坐Q线地铁,每次都会放弃自己最后的矜持。她说,“当我上地铁的时候,我总是把动静搞得很大。我会脱下外套,然后用手捧着肚子,依着扶手,看上去非常疲惫、筋疲力尽的样子。”

If no one relented, she would take to shouting out: 'Will someone give up a seat to a very pregnant woman?'

One white woman said men and women of the same race as her were more inclined to offer their seats. Many pregnant women said fellow women are more gracious in offering their seats, and there is always that woman who very loudly tries to publicly shame someone on their behalf to give up a seat.

Danielle Guzman, who is due at the end of the month, said unequivocally it was African-American men who offer up their seats during her daily commute to a job at Wall Street. She is white. Still, she only snags a seat about 25% of the time.
现年42岁、家住公园坡的丹妮尔•古斯曼(Danielle Guzman)本月底即将分娩,她明确表示,在她每天乘地铁去华尔街上班的途中,给她让座的是非洲裔美国男性,她本人则是白人。不过她得到座位的概率也只有25%左右。

'I've never had a female ever, of any type, offer me a seat,' said the 42-year-old Park Slope resident. 'I've had women look at me and make eye contact and smile, but then that's it, they go back to whatever they're doing.'

There have been experiments on this kind of thing. Elizabeth Carey Smith, a graphic designer, kept track of the final four months of her pregnancy and documented the results. Out of 108 crowded train rides, she was offered seats 88 times and men and women were about equally willing to offer up a seat. The Greenpoint resident took a number of trains and found she fared the worst on the G and E.
曾有人就这个问题做过实验。平面设计师伊丽莎白•凯莉•史密斯(Elizabeth Carey Smith)在她怀孕的最后四个月里追踪记录下了自己的乘车经历。在她108次乘坐拥挤地铁的经历中,被让座88次,愿意让座的男性和女性比例大致相当。史密斯家住格林波伊恩特(Greenpoint),要乘坐多趟地铁,她发现自己在G线和E线上的待遇最糟糕。

New Yorkers, the Midwest transplant concluded, are more considerate than rude.

I'm still on the fence on whether I think that's true. On Thursday, I rode the train with Ms. Koshy from the Union Turnpike stop in Kew Gardens into Manhattan, about a 30-minute ride. No one offered her a seat when she got on. A woman standing up with her young son frowned.
对此,笔者仍有些怀疑。不久前,我与科希一同从丘园小区的联合大道(Union Turnpike)地铁站,乘坐开往曼哈顿的地铁,全程共30分钟。当她上车时,没有人起来让座。一位带着年幼儿子站在一边的女士皱起了眉头。

'It's very upsetting,' she said. 'I'm from Poland, so it's normal for us to give up a seat….The crowd will sneer if you don't.'

Ms. Koshy stood in front of a row of six people. Two men were dozing. One older woman looked her up and down and went back to reading her tabloid. It wasn't until one stop before hers that someone got up and another woman motioned for her to take the seat.

On the transfer to the No. 6 train, again there were no seats. An elderly man looked at her and looked down. A few seconds went by.

'You want to sit down?' asked Harvey Feuerstein, a dapper attorney who would be getting off at the next stop.
衣冠楚楚的律师哈维•福伊尔施泰因(Harvey Feuerstein)问道,“你要坐这里吗?”他到下一站下车。

'Thank you,' she said, sitting down with relief.

As he got up, a woman younger than him asked if he would like her seat.

Perhaps the MTA is onto something with that Courtesy is Contagious line after all.