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中国七夕爱情漂流瓶 漂洋过海到达英国

2012-08-30来源:Daily Mail
'We saw the bottle sticking out of the sand and just thought it was junk that someone had left behind.

'But after picking it up I noticed there was a piece of brown paper rolled up inside and there was some foreign writing on it.

'We quite excitedly took it home and carefully uncorked the bottle and took out the sheet of paper using some tweezers.

'We knew it was Chinese, but we had no idea what it said.'

Unable to read the Mandarin text, Nicola turned to the internet and her Australian friend, Julie Gould, whose daughter attended a Chinese school in Sydney.

Several hours later Julie returned with the news that it was in fact a love letter.
几个小时后,Julie 回复她说这实际上是一封情书。

Nicola said: 'It sounds to me like the couple are in love but cannot be together so they have sent the message to tell the world of their love.

'I'm blown away by it to be honest - it's incredible that it has travelled all this way.'

In May 2008, a message in a bottle turned up on a Hebridean beach after completing a 4000-mile sea journey from the Bahamas.