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青春因何迷茫? 家长应该淡定些

By the late 20s, 'there's better communication between parts of the brain that process emotions and social information - like what people think of you - and the parts that are important for planning ahead and balancing risk and reward,' says developmental psychologist Laurence Steinberg of Temple University.
美国天普大学(Temple University)的发展心理学家劳伦斯・斯坦伯格(Laurence Steinberg)说,到了20岁年龄段的后期,“大脑中处理情感和社交信息──比如人们对你的看法──的部分与大脑中重点负责事先规划、平衡风险与回报的部分之间建立了更好的连接。”

How can emerging adults maximize their brain potential in this period? 'Things that are cognitively stimulating are important,' says Dr. Steinberg. 'Watching talking cats on YouTube isn't as good for cognitive development as reading or taking classes.'

Even young adults who are financially dependent on their parents can practice independence in other ways. 'My advice is, if your parents are currently doing things for you that you could do for yourself, take the controls. Say, 'No. Mom, Let me get my own shampoo,' ' says Jennifer Tanner, a developmental psychologist and co-chair of the Society for the study of Emerging Adulthood, an academic organization.
就算是那些在经济上还依赖父母的年轻人也可以通过别的方式来锻炼独立的能力。学术机构“始成年期研究协会”的联合主席、发展心理学家詹妮弗・坦纳(Jennifer Tanner)说,“我的建议是,如果家长现在还在替你做你力已能及的事情,你要主动自己去做。你可以说:‘妈妈别管,让我自己拿香波。’”

Physically, the body is at its peak during emerging adulthood and the chronic diseases of later adulthood won't start for a while.

The top 10 causes of death in young people - including motor vehicle accidents, homicides and suicides - are all preventable issues relating to judgment, not illness.

Adolescent and 20-something brains are also particularly vulnerable to trauma, abuse, alcohol and drugs. Brain scans have shown that heavy drinking, defined as 20 or more drinks a month, in young people can lead to decreased cognitive function, memory and attention.

Some 20-somethings also are laying the groundwork for later health problems. About three-quarters of young adults are overweight, raising their risk of later obesity, and about 25% smoke cigarettes.

Some severe mental illnesses also become apparent between ages 15 and 25. Early warning signs of schizophrenia include hallucinations, sudden hostility and suspiciousness, blank stare and incoherent conversation. Bipolar disorder involves cycles of depression with recklessness and impulsivity, such as excessive spending.

Parents who suspect their grown children could have a mental-health problem should get an assessment right away. 'It's extremely complicated even for professionals to parse out what's developmental and what's a mental-health problem in this age period,' says Dr. Tanner. 'If your kid won't go, go yourself and get professional advice. You can't even start working on the developmental stuff if there's a mental-health issue,' she says.

Rates of depression, anxiety and other mental-health issues are higher in the teens and 20s than in any other decade except the 80s. Some experts blame the roller coaster of change and uncertainty during the youthful years. 'Most emerging adults find it very exciting to be in this time of life, but some find it overwhelming. They wonder, 'How do I find out who I am, or what I want to do?' Or they want to be a doctor or own a business and they find the doors closed to them,' says Dr. Arnett.

'There's also a lot of loneliness and making and breaking of romantic relationships in this period.'

Many of those issues ease by the late 20s. By then, the vast majority of emerging adults find work, relationships, along with higher self-esteem and life satisfaction, studies show. And most achieve financial independence. The Clark University survey found that while 28% of 18-to-21-year-olds get regular support from their parents for living expenses, the rate declined to 6% among 26-to-29-year-olds.

Meanwhile, says Dr. Arnett, 'It pays to relax and not panic because your 21-year-old or even your 26-year-old doesn't know what he or she is going to do. Almost nobody still has that problem at 40 or 50. We all figure it out eventually.'