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Eric Kester experienced the Harvard no one talks about.

His tenure at Harvard is the stuff of nightmares. He survived a brush with a cheating ring, being locked out of his dorm on the first day of school in just his boxers, and being the only one of his friends to move home jobless after graduation.


Kester, who graduated in 2008, admits that he barely survived "the world's most famous university," and he recaps it all in his recently released tell-all memoir, "That Book About Harvard."

Kester wrote a humor column for The Crimson, Harvard's student newspaper, and wrote for CollegeHumor.com after graduating. Once a publisher read about his mishaps at Harvard, Kester was encouraged to write a book.

"Everyone seemed more accomplished than me, better than me," Kester said. "That's a lot of the same anxiety at any college, but it's really intensified there at Harvard."
“大家看起来都比我成功,比我优秀,” 凯斯特说,“任何大学的很多学生都存在这样的焦虑,可实际上哈佛学生的感觉来得更强烈。”

Kester's lack of confidence was justified: At Harvard, he was surrounded by brilliant minds, including Mark Zuckerberg, who was one of his classmates. Kester also joked (well, actually he was serious) that everyone at Harvard was valedictorian of their high school class.

Some of the facts in the book are skewed and names changed. But Kester assures readers that the craziest stuff in his memoir—the events that seem impossible, like being caught in his underwear and experiencing party mishaps—actually did happen.

"I tell my parents it didn't actually happen though," Kester said. "It makes them feel better."

Kester couldn't catch a break from the start. On his first day at school, freshman move-in day, he locked himself out of his dorm room. He was wearing just his boxers. To get the spare key to his room, Kester had to walk across Harvard Yard, which was filled with hundreds of students and parents, in just his underwear.