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男人也爱美 男鞋变花哨了

However, Lobb's handmade styles (around £600) offer years of wear while these new "directional" designs mimic the seasonal changes usually seen in womenswear and are thus a less reliable investment. Will they catch on with male consumers?

One place that is particularly resistant to passing trends is the City of London. Says one City lawyer: "I wore dark brown lace-ups as a change one week and those were considered ‘statement' enough. I was mocked for weeks by my conservative colleagues, so I am not sure these would go down well. Perhaps in media ..."
对流行时尚具有"强耐抗性"的地方是伦敦金融城(City of London)。金融城一位律师这么说道:"有一周,我换了一双深棕色系带鞋,觉得很是标新立异。结果,我的那些保守朋友取笑了我好几周,因此本人不知道这些另类鞋会不会流行下去,也许媒体可以大肆吹捧……"

Another Lloyd's broker adds: "I don't think the commissionaires would let me in to the Lloyd's building with them on and at the weekend my teenage boys say they wouldn't let me leave the house in them."

So why the sudden rush to bolder styles among the sartorially adventurous males? "There's a growing confidence among male consumers, who are becoming increasingly fashion literate and ready to be more playful with their wardrobes," says Smith.

The trend started in spring 2011 with Prada's platform trainers, brogues and espadrilles, which became cult hits, and the reinvention of men's slippers in opulent fabrics. The growing embrace of brothel creepers has also encouraged men to be more experimental.

"Trainers have also been a major driver," says Burstell. "There's been a huge string of statement, bright styles, which have been really popular, and worn by lots of famous people. It's encouraged men to be braver. These rare styles also appeal to the collector in men, which we've seen with sneakers for years. Shoes have become another geek pursuit."

At the same time, observes Bateman, "the statement shoe is much less scary than a statement jacket. Perhaps our bravery has migrated from our socks – it used to be these that the ‘classic' man kept as their subversive bit of fashion and now it's the shoe. A coloured shoe or a velvet slipper makes me feel slightly more rebellious."