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I like to take breaks throughout the day. I break up my work sessions into several timeframes. It helps me maintain a high level of productivity. Do you keep your nose to the grindstone all day long?
我习惯每工作一段时间后就休息一会儿。 我把我的工作时间划分为若干小段,这样可以使我保持较高的工作效率。你是否整天都在埋头工作?

When people look at highly productive people, they often say things like, “They make it look effortless” and “They don’t even look like they are working very hard.”

In fact, one of observations of these hard workers is that they don’t work all the time. Their breaks actually help them be more productive. They know when to work and when to take a break.


Here are 5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Break Today:

1. Gain Perspective– If your head is down in your work, you aren’t aware of your surrounding environment. Priorities may have changed since you started your project. A break can let you zoom out and get the big picture again.

2. Recharge - Everyone needs to “fill their tank” or eventually their energy reserve will reach zero. Rest is needed to let the body and mind recharge.

3. Refocus – It is easy to get distracte and pulled off task. Taking a break can let you address those distractions and then refocus your energy on the more important tasks.

4. Get Advice – No one can operate entirely independent. It can save you much time and effort if you seek advice from others. Maybe they have previously done what you are doing, and can provide time-saving tips.

5. Take Care of Yourself - Life is a marathon, not a sprint. You can’t keep going at 100% without burning yourself out. Even top-notch machines will burn out if they are not maintained. Make sure you are maintaining yourself.

Taking a break from your work, can help you be more productive. Instead of looking at quick breaks as time-wasters, consider them ways to boost your work.