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Here are Tips for Taking a Break From Your Work Today:

1. Set Expectations– Let your team know that you are taking a quick break. Letting others know that you are unplugging for a few minutes is important.

2. Rest For a Period –Take a rest break, whether it is to sit down for a few minutes from your work, or even to rest your eyes for a bit from that computer screen.

3. Clear Your Head – Sometimes we try to brute force a solution to a problem we are working on. It is only when we step back, that our unconscious mind suddenly comes up with the answer we are seeking. Some mindless diversion for a few minutes can actually improve your problem solving.

4. Set a Time Limit – Breaks are good, but only if you have the discipline to get back to work. Set a time limit on your break so that it stays within reason.

5. Eat Something – You body needs nourishment, and working all day without eating can negatively affect your ability to continue. Are you one of those individuals that works right through lunch and never eats? Take a break and eat something healthy. Fruit is always a great snack.

6. Go For a Walk - Going for a brisk walk outdoors is one of the best ways to take a break. Not only does it get the blood pumping, but you benefit from the fresh air and sunlight.

7. Get Social – A little social support can go a long way. Instead, of continuing to hit your head against the wall on that project, seek some help or guidance. (Just make sure they are on break, too!)

Many highly productive individuals take breaks regularly. Today I want you to take a break from your work when appropriate. You might just find that you are more productive overall.
许多工作效率高的人就在工作间隙经常适当休息。 今天,我希望你能在工作的时候适当的休息一会儿。也许你就会发现整体上,你的工作效率提高了。