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偶遇前男友和苗条新欢 英国女子受刺激怒减90斤

2012-11-07来源:daily mail
But all that changed after the chance meeting in a local shop weeks after the break up.

'When I saw him walking towards me with a new woman my stomach went. All I could think was "she’s slim and I’m fat."
'I went bright red, mumbled a few words and shuffled off. It was humiliating. I practically ran out of the shop in tears. I have never felt worse and it was without doubt the turning point for me.’

From that moment Sarah stuck to three healthy meals a day including cereal, salad for lunch and grilled meat and vegetables. She restricted her evening meal to 500 calories and always ate before 5pm.

And she admits if she ever felt like giving up she only had to think about her ex and his new slimmer woman.

'It’s been two years since that embarrassing moment and my body is completely transformed. I’m slimmer and more toned than ever, I dress how I want and I’m so confident, nothing at all like the woman I used to be.

'I’m pleased it happened and there’s certainly no hard feelings, in fact I have a lot to thank him for. I needed a push.'

Sarah’s weight loss and fitness regime has even led her to consider a new career as a fitness instructor.

'I know how hard it is to lose weight so I would love to be able to help other women. I know how it feels and what they are going through and I can tell them honestly that they can get there. If I can do it so can they.