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Most people know how to treat their skin, hair and nails. But "knowing" in the beauty world is often a practice in misinformation or overly general advice. That is, we may know what to do, but we don't know how to do it. Or how to do it properly.

It's time to finally know what you "know," with real secrets and actual truths about beauty maintenance. From skin irritants to mani-pedi prep to getting the most out of your hair, these are beauty secrets that every woman should know.


SECRET: Your Skin Cleanser Is Making Things Worse (Maybe)

Cleansing can irritate even healthy skin, never mind sensitive or “problem” skin, and many cleansers are guilty. How then should you best cleanse without further irritation? The solution, regardless of skin type, is to look for a gentle cleanser that dissolves dirt and excess oil without leaving the skin feeling tight or tingly — nothing with detergents, alcohols, fragrances, irritants or ingredients that block pores. Think that means going natural? No. Among the list of irritants are lemon, mint, cinnamon and essential oils.