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Every Two Years

5. Eye exam: The American Optometric Association recommends a comprehensive eye exam every two years. You'll take a series of vision tests to assess if you need glasses and also to check that your eyes are in good shape.

Every Year

6. Blood pressure: Having your blood pressure checked every year is a necessity. Luckily, you don't have to head to the doctor every time you're due. Look out for screenings in your area or use the automated machines at your local pharmacy. High blood pressure - also known as hypertension - is 140/90 or above. The normal adult blood pressure should be below 120/80.

7. Dental exam: You may dislike heading to the dentist, but staying on top of this appointment is essential for your long-term health. Make sure you head for a thorough cleaning and dental exam every six months to a year.

Every Month

8. Self breast exams: While certain medical groups claim that self breast exams are no longer needed, many women have chosen to continue this practice. If you're not sure how to do a breast self exam already, learn the instructions, and be familiar with how your breasts feel and look. The test itself won't lower your risk, but having this performed regularly is putting you in the best position to see issues in the earliest stages.

9. Self skin exam: If you have a propensity for sun spots or moles, you may have to go to your dermatologist more regularly, but The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends a simple head-to-toe self skin exam every month. The instructions are simple and easy to follow, and just like a self breast exam, it helps you get familiar with your skin so you notice changes earlier.