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For ten years’ running, the University of Southern California has been the leader among US universities in terms of numbers of international students ( 9,269 in 2011/12 versus 5,950 in 2002). Second or third place has typically gone to New York University, with traditionally strong rankings also by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Columbia, Purdue, and University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

The only Ivy League school regularly in the top 20 in terms of hosting international students has been Harvard University.

U.S. students are also studying abroad in growing numbers, but the financial crisis of 2008 put a plateau into the growth curve. Europe is still the traditional leader as a host region for US students studying abroad, with some 54% heading there.

China is now ranked 5th in the world as a host for US students. In 2010/11 (the latest data available), there were 14,596 U.S. students in China, nearly a five-fold increase over the past ten years.

It’s also interesting to reflect on the fact that although international student numbers in the U.S. have been rising very steadily for many years, they have been outpaced by the growth in U.S. student enrollment overall. As a result, the percentage of international students within the total enrollment numbers has remained in the range of between 3 and 4% during the past ten years.

In 2011/12, total enrollment in US universities and colleges was 20.6 million, as compared with 15.9 million ten years earlier. To put that into a bit more historical perspective, total enrollment in 1981/82 was just 12.3 million; in 1970/71 the number was 8.5 million. In other words, dramatic growth.

Talking with HR experts, it’s clear that the U.S. now has a surplus of college graduates and a serious shortage of young people with more formal technical training. While there remains serious unemployment in the white collar job sector, companies are finding it hard to fill many technical and skilled manufacturing positions. This is a serious disconnect.

Different people will rightly focus on different aspects of the growth story in Chinese students going to America — some positive, some negative. On balance, to me, it’s a good news story. We need all the bright young talent we can get who have the language and thinking skills to help navigate our challenging future.

Let’s just hope that in addition to a college degree they learn that the world doesn’t owe them a living. Success takes hard work, the ability to bounce back from adversity, and an ethical compass to navigate by; but international study can open many new doors.