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Relatives of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings have been speaking about their grief, as the names of the victims were officially published on Saturday.

Robbie Parker, 30, father of six-year-old Emilie Parker, showed remarkable compassion in remarks in which he extended his support to the family of the man who took his daughter's life.

"It is a horrific tragedy and I want everyone to know that our hearts and prayers go out to them. This includes the family of the shooter," Parker said.

"I cannot imagine how hard this experience is for you. Our love and support goes out to you as well."

Parker, who works at Danbury Hospital – where two of the shot children were taken, and later died – explained that at first he did not believe that the incident was "a big deal". When initial reports gave way to something far more serious, he was initially unable to get to the school. "The hospital was on lockdown. I couldn't get to the school right away."

He described his daughter as "beautiful, blonde, always smiling", adding: "She was the type of person that could just light up a room. She always had something kind to say about anybody."

"She is an incredible person and I'm so blessed to be her dad," he said.

Neil Heslin, 50, father of six-year old Jesse Lewis, told the New York Post that he had been planning to visit his son's class Friday afternoon to make gingerbread houses. "I dropped him off at school at 9am. He went happily," Heslin said. "That was the last I saw of him."
Neil Heslin ,50岁,6岁的杰西•刘易斯的父亲,告诉《纽约邮报》他本来一直计划周五下午去他儿子的班级做姜饼屋。“我早上9点把他送到学校。他走得开心,” Heslin说。“这是我最后一次见到他。”

Heslin received a call from the school after the shooting and was told that all surviving children had been evacuated. His son was not with the children and his death was confirmed Saturday morning. "He was just a happy boy," Heslin said. "Everybody knew Jesse."
枪击事件后Heslin接到一个儿子学校打来的电话,被告知所有幸存的孩子已被疏散。他儿子不在里面,他的死讯在星期六早上被证实。“他只是一个快乐的男孩,” Heslin说。“每个人都知道杰西。”