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Lewis was taught by Victoria Soto, another victim of the shooting. Soto's cousin Jim Wiltsie spoke to ABC News about the 27-year-old teacher. "In our eyes, she's a hero," Wiltsie said.
刘易斯由维多利亚索托教导,枪击案的另一名受害者。索托的表弟Jim Wiltsie告诉ABC新闻关于这位27岁的老师。“在我们眼里,她是一个英雄,”Wiltsie说。

"She was trying to shield [them], getting her children into a closet and protect them from harm. And by doing that put herself between the gunman and the children and that is when she was tragically shot and killed."

Wiltsie said the family took some comfort knowing that Soto died doing a job that she loved.

"Her life dream was to be a teacher and her instincts kicked in when she saw there was harm coming towards her students," he said. "She lost her life doing what she loved. She loved her kids. Her goal in life was to be a teacher to mould young minds."

The family of Lauren Rousseau, 30, another of the teachers who died, said she had worked as a permanent substitute teacher since October.

"It was the best year of her life,'' Teresa Rousseau, Lauren's mother told The News-Times, where she works as a copy editor.

"She had so many interests – music, dance, theater,'' Teresa said of her daughter.

Lauren's father Gilles Rousseau said: "She was like a kid in many ways. That's why she liked working with kids so much. She died with her little kids.''
劳伦的父亲Gilles Rousseau说:“她在许多方面就像一个孩子。这就是为什么她那么喜欢与孩子们一起工作。她和她的小孩子一起去世的。”

Lauren had plans to see The Hobbit Friday night with her boyfriend Tony Lusardi III. He spoke of how Lauren lived her life and said: "I called her Busy Bee. She called me Worker Bee.''