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The beliefs surrounding blood groups have been used in unusual ways.

The women’s softball team that won gold for Japan at the Beijing Olympics is reported to have used blood type theories to design training for each player. Major companies reportedly make decisions about assignments based on employees’ blood types.

In 1990 the Asahi Daily newspaper reported that Mitsubishi Electronics had announced the creation of a team made up entirely of AB workers, because of “their ability to make plans”.

These beliefs even affect politics. Last year, the country’s Minister for Reconstruction Ryu Matsumoto was forced to resign after only a week in office, after a bad-tempered encounter with local officials was televised. In his resignation speech he blamed his failings on his blood type.

“My blood is type B, which means I can be irritable and impetuous, and my intentions don’t always come across,” said a remorseful Matsumoto.

Not all see the craze about blood types as harmless fun, and the Japanese now have a term for it, “bura-hara,” meaning blood-type harassment.

People with blood B and AB are especially looked down upon because according to their blood types they are strange and can’t get along with others. The negative images are so widely acknowledged that people with these blood types are reluctant to “come out”. It even affects their willingness to become blood donors.