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4. File and organize papers, bills, statements, and receipts
4. 分类整理文件、账单、报表和收据

Keeping these in order can come in handy, especially since tax season is just around the corner. Try to organize them so your receipts and statements are together, with outstanding bills and invoices in another section.
把这些东西按顺序整理,早晚能派上用处,特别是即将到来的报税季节。好好整理下,收据和报表最好放在一起, 未偿付票据和单据归在另一类。

5. Update your personal budget, resume and bio
5. 更新个人收支预算和简历

As you go through your papers, take note of your spending habits over the last year. Have you gone overboard with spending? Been too frugal? Compare your habits to your bank account, and then consider re-adjusting your personal budget to even things out a bit.

On that same note, if you find that you’ve struggled to make ends meet or that you’re not being paid what you’re worth, it might be time to update your resume and look for a new job. If instead you’re perfectly happy with where you are, but you’ve had some major life changes (moved to a new city/country, earned a degree, got married, etc.) then you might want to update your bio on various networking sites.

6. Reduce clutter, and give things away
6. 减少杂乱,送掉你不需要的一些东西

You would not believe how much stuff can accumulate in cupboards and closets, particularly in the bathroom. Set aside an hour or so to sort through everything under the sink to see just how many unused soaps, creams, razors, and other sundries you’ve collected, and then decide whether you’re actually going to use them or not. If you will, think about displaying them in a basket or keeping them at hand so you’ll use them up. If you’ll never touch the things, give them away to friends who’ll use them, or donate them.

7. Clean out your closet, and donate your old clothes
7. 整理壁橱,把旧衣服捐掉

A good rule to stick to as far as clothing is concerned is to give away anything you haven’t worn in over 2 years. For each piece you give away, you can buy yourself something new that fits both your figure and your current fashion sense, but don’t hold on to something that will never fit or come back into style again.

Once you’ve taken care of all of these tasks, all you really need to do is make some goals for 2013. If you find that you tend to self-sabotage official resolutions, consider just making some short-term goals that are easy to attain: reaching them will boost your confidence, and might encourage you to pursue some more intense, longer-term goals in turn.