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信息焦虑症患者:你该停止刷<a href=http://www.hxen.net/englishnews/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>新闻</a>的10个理由

We have become a news addicted society.

Doubt it? How many times did you read the news so far today?

How many more times will you check it before bedtime? If you turn on the TV or check your favorite news website, chances are that there will be a banner that says “BREAKING NEWS.” Unfortunately, (or fortunately?) it is usually just some trivial event or topic that you could care less about. So, how much of your time do you spend reading the news?
你在上床前又查看了多少次呢?你打开电视,或浏览你最喜爱的新闻网站,就很有可能看见一个标语写着“爆炸性新闻”。不幸地是(或者是幸运?)其实那只是一些不重要的事件,你根本可以不那么关心。 那么你会花多少时间阅读新闻呢?

For most individuals, the news takes up too much of their time each day. We now get it on our TVs, computers, laptops, iPads, and smartphones. It’s everywhere.

In a world where you can get the answer to anything with the push of a button, do you really need to read it all?

Less News = More Productivity

What could you get done if you read less news?

Chances are that you could reclaim a good amount of time in your day. So, instead of saying you don’t have time to do this or that… stop checking the news.

Here are 10 Reasons Your Should Stop Checking the News:

1. It Doesn’t Change That Often
1. 信息不会那么频繁更新

Really, it doesn’t. You don’t need to check it 17 times a day. Every day or even every other day is plenty.

2. Most of It Doesn’t Matter
2. 大多数新闻根本不重要

Most of the news out there is not meaningful. You are better collecting the topics that are important to you via a news reader (RSS).

3. Much of it is Wrong
3. 大多数信息是错误的

Anyone can type on the Internet, and you shouldn’t read anything without questioning its truth. News curation in the future won’t just be about content… but accuracy.

4. Even More is Sensationalized
4. 有些新闻更是耸人听闻

Many news sites have blurred the line between news and rumors. This is almost as dangerous as #3, in that made-up stories are portrayed as news.

5. Most of it is Trivia
5. 大多数的新闻属于无聊琐碎

Does what the The Kardashians are doing help your day? Does what car Justin Bieber is driving today matter to your work? Most of the news we read is the equivalent of junk food for our brains.