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6. Much of the News Isn’t News at All
6. 很多新闻根本不算是新闻

I just reviewed the front page of one of the top news websites and found 14 front-page headlines that end with a “?” This basically means that these news stories aren’t stories. Rather, they are questions, made up topics, and fluff material. Not worth your time.
刚刚我浏览了头条新闻网站的一个头版头条,发现14个头条都以“?” 结尾,这个基本上意味着这些新闻故事不是故事,而是由各种话题和八卦组成的问题。不值得你花时间阅读

7. Facebook Isn’t News Either
7. Facebook 也不是新闻

I see individuals that spend their entire work day with their Facebook stream open. Again, do you really need to know what your friends are doing minute-by-minute of the day?
我看见许多人整个上班时间都开着他们的Facebook. 我又要说了,你真的需要了解你的朋友每时每刻的动态么?

8. Many News “Experts” Aren’t Experts
8. 许多新闻“专家”根本不是专家

Don’t let the pundits and so-called experts convince you that they know any more than you do.

9. Watching/Surfing the News is Inefficient
9. 刷信息是无效率的

Watching the news is not a great use of your time. Sitting through endless segments, commercials and more, when you could be doing more productive activities. Surfing the news is just as wasteful. Many news sites are covered in more ads than actual news. Again, you could get the same information in a fraction of the time via a new reader. (RSS)

10. Too Much of the News is Negative
10. 太多信息都是负面的

The news loves a bad news story. Reading the front page is bound to bring your attitude down. Don’t let the news impact your attitude and thus your productivity.