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The odds are against us: Roughly 88 percent of New Year's resolutions don't make it through the year. These are big to-dos we’re slacking on: eat healthier, get a better job, lose weight, save money. How can we fall short on such important goals year after year? The problem may lie in the kinds of resolutions we make – not our willpower.


Drink One Glass of Water in the Morning

Drink a glass of water when you wake up. Water hydrates your body to start the day off. It’s preparing your body to accept nutrition. People talk about wanting to lose weight, but what if instead of that, that goal was, "I’m going to drink a full glass of water every morning." Instead of focusing on the end goal, focus on the small changes you can make every day to get there. When you have something you can accomplish every day, you’re more likely to form habits which, over time, will help you achieve your weight loss goals.
当你醒来时,喝一杯水。身体得到水分补给后,开始迎接新的一天,并准备对营养的吸收。人们总说想减肥,但如果不是那样的目标呢?如果目标是:“我打算每天早上喝满满一杯水” ,又会怎么样呢?与其关注最终结果,不如关注每一天你能做到的细微改变。当你每天都能完成一点,你更有可能养成一种习惯,这种习惯假以时日就会帮你达成减肥目标。

Turn One Driving Trip into a Walking Trip

Before promising yourself that you will get up early and exercise every day, ask yourself if you’re really the kind of person who loves getting up at the crack of dawn to go on a long run. If you are, good for you; if not, consider taking small steps in the right direction as a start. Maybe you’re the kind of person who can walk to go get coffee. That can be a doable, achievable thing. From there you start to think, "I think I’m going to walk to yoga class, or walk to the grocery store."

Read One Page Before Bed Every Night

If you read one page every night before going to bed, you would be done with a 365-page book by the end of the year. That may not sound impressive, but it's one book more than you got through last year. If you’re feeling inspired, gradually increase your page count.

Make One Networking Effort a Day

“Make a new professional contact on LinkedIn, or any other social-networking site that has to do with your industry,” says Lisa Johnson Mandell, author of “Career Comeback – Repackage Yourself to Get the Job You Want.” In addition to networking, educate yourself. Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry you’re after. Read at least one online article about a cutting-edge development in your field, or at the company you'd like to work for.
《复出职场--为获得心仪的工作,重新包装你自己》的作者丽莎·约翰逊·曼德尔说,“你可以在LinkedIn或其他社交网站建立一种与职业相关的新联系。” 除了人际关系网,还要接受自我教育,把握所在行业的发展脉搏。她还说,“至少在网上阅读一篇关于尖端领域的文章,不论是关于你自己所在的行业还是你想为之工作的公司。”

Indulge Every Other Day

Enjoy your favorite foods and drinks – in moderation. “Limit, do not eliminate,” says nutrition expert Rania Batayneh. “Diets do not work. Eliminating your favorite foods will just make you want or crave them more.” Instead of cutting out your favorite indulgences entirely, Batayneh suggests finding ways to limit your intake. If you eat potato chips every afternoon, challenge yourself to cut back to every other afternoon, focusing on reframing them as an infrequent treat.