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Buy Lunch Every Other Day

We can make the most impact on our spending habits by monitoring our casual spending habits, according to Harlan Platt, professor of finance at Northeastern University. “These include coffee at Starbucks, restaurant lunches and driving your car.” Instead of drinking lattes every day, drink them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. Think of them as luxuries, and aim to treat them as such.
东北大学的金融学教授哈兰·普拉特表示,通过观察我们的休闲消费习惯,我们可以对自己的消费习惯做出改变。他说:“这些消费包括到星巴克喝咖啡、下馆子吃饭、和自己开车。” 不要每天喝拿铁,只周一、周三和周五喝咖啡就可以。把它们想成奢侈品,并这样对待它们。

Say 'I Love You'

Say ‘I love you’ more, more times than you imagine you could, or should.Think of how you feel when you're on the receiving end, even via a text or Facebook message – it feels good, doesn’t it? Even if it’s a quick three words, it feels good to know that someone, somewhere thinks you’re great. Now, pay it forward. Make sure you appreciate the people in your life. Thank them for who they are and what they do, on a regular basis.

Breathe Deeply for 10 Seconds

Be intentional about your breathing. Some people can let life’s stresses roll right off their back, but for the rest of us, hearing “just don’t worry about it” is less than helpful. Instead of channeling your energy into "not worrying," try focusing on something positive, proactive and mindless, like breathing. Close your eyes for 10 seconds and focus on taking deep breaths. In addition to helping you slow down (deep breathing tells your brain to relax), you’re giving yourself a chance to push the reset button.
关注你的呼吸。有些人不会让生活压着喘不过气来,但对我们其他人,听到一句“不用担心” 并没起到什么帮助。试着专注积极主动和不操心的事,比如呼吸,而不是把你的精力转去关注“不担心”。闭上眼睛10秒钟,专注深呼吸。深呼吸,除了帮助你淡定下来(深呼吸让你的大脑放松),还给了你自己一个按下“重启”按钮的机会。

Hide Your Paper Towels

Trade your paper towels for cloth towels. Again, start small at first. Simply make your paper towels less convenient to use – place them in the cupboard under the sink and hang a hand towel in an accessible place. This quick switch will help you reduce your paper towel usage and encourage you to find reusable alternatives. Do you really need a fresh paper towel just to dry your hands? Save that disposable for kitchen accidents or pet surprises.

List One Thing You're Thankful for Every Day

At the end of the day, list one thing you’re thankful for. It can be something small like a good parking spot or perfectly steeped cup of tea, or it can be broad like the health of your family. Whatever that one thing is (and there is no need to stop at just one), take a few minutes out of your day to acknowledge how grateful you are for that one little thing.