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Today's LearnVest Daily is dedicated to all the excuses we've ever made for why our finances aren't everything we've dreamed: Our jobs just don't pay enough. Our friends are bad spending influences. We're too deep in debt to ever get out. In response to those, we bring you nine reasons you're broke . . .
女性个人理财网LearnVest Daily 总是在为女人们的入不敷出寻找各种借口:工资不够;朋友花钱的坏习惯影响了自己;深陷债务泥沼无法自拔。与之相对,我们要告诉你的是:你身为穷人的真正原因。

1. You Put Your Entire Paycheck in Your Checking Account
1. 所有收入都存进了活期存款账户

Of course, you should have a checking account, but depositing all your income straight to checking sets you up to overspend and sideline your savings goals. After all, the money is right there, ripe for the spending, and socking cash away for the future requires transferring it separately to your savings account.

A better solution? Set up automatic deposits straight from your paycheck into your various savings accounts. It's called paying yourself first.

2. You Spend on Stupid Stuff
2. 把钱花在了无用的东西上

We actually think you should spend money . . . on the things that will actually make a difference in your life. Spending on a meaningful vacation or a clothing item that will revolutionize your wardrobe? Totally worthwhile. Spending extra on things like your electricity bill or your medicine cabinet? Totally stupid.Prioritize what matters most to you then cut out the rest of the filler in your budget.