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3. You Don't Have Any Goals
3. 目标不明确

You're much likelier to save if you have something to save for, especially if it's something important to you. Get some emotions on the line by thinking of specific reasons you're working so hard at your finances. Are you trying to save up for a house someday? A family? A new car? A much-needed vacation?

Put everything in perspective, and give yourself something to work for, by creating a vision board, which you can fill with images and words to illustrate your ideal life.

4. You're Scared of Your Own Power
4. 对于贫穷的恐惧

Your power to grow your money, that is. Investing may sound like an intimidating thing meant only for financial gurus, but you're missing out if you're too chicken to jump in. If you invested, then 40 years could turn $1,000 into almost $22,000. Meanwhile, that same $1,000 would leave you with only a little over $2,000 after 40 years if you put it in a savings account with 2 percent interest!

That's not to say you should start picking random stocks. We recommend starting out with mutual funds or exchange-traded funds to make sure you have the most balanced portfolio to fit your goals.

5. You're Paying Your Debts Wrong
5. 无法正确还债

Even if you're responsibly paying off your debts, you could be keeping yourself down if you're paying them in the wrong order.

Don't divide your payments equally among all debts, like credit card debt or your student loans. Those with the highest interest rates grow fastest, so focus on the most toxic debts first.