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6. Notes
6. 便条

The number one tool missing from most people’s time management system is a single place to keep notes. Avoid the Post-Its and back-of-the-napkin scribbles. Whether meeting notes or personal, keep them organized and in one place. You’ll know exactly where to look when you need them.

7. Todos
7. 待办事项

Do you fail to complete tasks because you forget about them? Capture todos as soon as they arise. Let your task list remember them, so you don’t have to. Of course, ensure you look at your list often.

8. Receipts
8. 票据

Can you produce the receipt for the last major purchase you made? You never know when you might need a receipt again. There are many great apps and services that will help you capture your receipts. Of course, a simple method tosnap a picture with your phone and file it.

9. Personal Info
9. 个人信息

Get a secure app and save important personal info. You never know when you will need credit card numbers, health data, passwords, or insurance info. When an emergency does happen, you’ll have on less thing to worry about.

10. Solutions
10. 解决方法

Do you find yourself addressing the same issues repeatedly? Make sure you capture those solutions so that you do not have to spend time solving the same problem twice.

Make a list of the information that you find yourself searching for often. Instead of letting those pieces of data slip by, ensure that you have a method to capture each type. The next time you need a piece of info, it will be right at your fingertips.