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London, where a terraced house recently traded for close to $120 million, ranked third on Savills’ list, with an average price per square foot of £3, 500 (or about $5, 300). The average billionaire abode, averaging 7, 900 square feet, costs $42 million.

Home prices have ballooned 107% in London’s ultra-prime market since 2005, despite the global economic downturn. In general, though, price appreciation has been the most dramatic in emerging markets like Singapore and Mumbai, where prices have surged 232% and 176% respectively since 2005. Their dramatic upticks are due in large part to the fact that both grew from relatively low base values.

Interestingly, New York City’s super luxury market, despite large ticket purchases like Ekaterina Rybolovleva’s $88 million 15 Central Park West penthouse and Steve Wynn’s $70 million Ritz Carlton penthouse, only ranked 6th on Savills list, behind Paris (No. 4) and Moscow (No. 5). Average price per square foot in the Big Apple was £2, 700 (or about $4, 100) in 2012. Still, that’s 47% higher than the sales prices commanded during the 2005 heights of the U.S. housing bubble.
有趣的是,尽管纽约的超豪华房产市场达成了几笔天价交易——例如叶卡特琳娜·雷波诺列夫娃(Ekaterina Rybolovleva)花8,800万美元购入中央公园西15号的顶层公寓,以及史蒂夫·韦恩(Steve Wynn)花7,000万美元购入丽思卡尔顿顶层公寓——但它只在第一太平戴维斯的榜单上名列第六,排在巴黎(第4)、莫斯科(第5)之后。2012年,纽约市每平方英尺的豪宅均价为2,700英镑(约合4,100)美元。这仍比美国2005年楼市泡沫高位时的销售价格高出了47%。

“Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts, ” says Yolande Barnes, head of world research at Savills. ”This reflects a global preference for urban locations as these billionaires need to be located in cities where they can do business.”
“亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。”第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(Yolande Barnes)说。“这反映出全球市场对于市区住宅的偏好,因为这些亿万富豪们需要居住在市区以打理其业务。”

Despite last year’s robust billionaire buying activity — or rather, because of it –Savills believes the world’s most expensive markets could experience a slowdown in sales this year, since ultra wealthy home buyers have “nearly fully invested in key cities”. It means the frenzied sales activity that has invaded so-called safe-haven cities like New York, London and Hong Kong could begin shifting to new locations.