世界简单化之旅: 当简单成为解决之道
If Cleveland Clinic appeals to the emotional side of our brains to provide a simple, soothing experience, the supermarket chain Trader Joe's tries to simplify rational choice. The company's long-standing goal is to reduce the grocery-shopping experience to a few manageable decisions. Trader Joe's figured out that trying to give people everything is a lousy business model: It overwhelms customers, clutters stores and undermines the shopping experience, causing some customers to default to 'no' since they can't make up their minds. On top of that, it is inefficient for handling inventory.
如果说克里夫兰医疗中心提供的简单、令人放松的体验满足了我们的感性需求,超市连锁Trader Joe's的尝试则简化了我们的理性选择。这家公司的长期目标是将杂货店的购物体验简化为几个可以管理的决定。Trader Joe's发现,努力向人们提供所有的商品是一种糟糕的商业模式,这会让客户难以抉择,导致商店拥堵,破坏购物体验,一些客户会自动拒绝购买任何东西,因为他们无法作出决定。最重要的是,无法有效地控制库存。
Trader Joe's offers many fewer products than other supermarkets (about 4,000 items instead of 40,000, according to Peter Sealey of the Sausalito Group). Limiting variety doesn't mean bland selections, however; the company does extensive research on its customer base to make smart choices on behalf of the people who shop there, mixing in some exotic food choices and using playful, quirky packaging. Shoppers are thus spared the aggravation of having to sort through dozens of options for jam or mustard or frozen foods.
Trader Joe's提供的产品比其他超市要少(Sausalito Group的彼得•希利(Peter Sealey)称,它只提供大约4,000种商品,而不是4万种)。不过,限制产品种类并不意味着店内的产品是枯燥乏味的。这家公司对客户进行了广泛研究,从而代表消费者作出了聪明了选择。这家商店购进了一些外国食品,店内商品采用好玩、奇特的包装。购物者因此不必辛苦地从几十种果酱、芥末或速冻食品中作出选择。
Does it work? The chain, which has about 350 stores in the U.S., sells an estimated $1,750 in merchandise per square foot, according to Fortune magazine in 2010, more than double the sales generated per square foot by Whole Foods Market.
这么做行得通吗?据2010年的《财富》(Fortune)杂志称,这家连锁店在美国大约有350家门店,平均每平方英尺(约0.09平方米)的店面带来的销售额大约为1,750美元(约合1万人民币),比全食有机食品连锁店(Whole Foods Market)每平方英尺的销售额的两倍还多。
Sometimes simplicity can be a matter of life and death. A decade ago, worried that confusing prescription labels threatened the health of her grandparents, Deborah Adler decided to do something about it. A graphic designer, she took on this challenge for her master's thesis. Rearranging the small type on the typical prescription label, Ms. Adler put the information in a logical order, giving prominence to the things that people most need to know at the moment they are reaching for their medicine. She divided the label into two parts, separated by a thick black line, and placed the critical information, such as the name and dosage of the medication, at the top, with everything else relegated to the bottom.
有时候,简单化有着生死攸关的重要性。10年前,由于担心令人困惑的药品标签可能会耽误祖父的治疗,德博拉•阿德勒(Deborah Adler)决定做些什么。作为图像设计师,她在硕士论文中讨论了这个难题。阿德勒重新排列了药品标签上的小字,以一种有逻辑的顺序安排标签上的信息,突出显示人们在拿到药品时最想知道的信息。她把标签分成由一条粗黑线分隔的两部分,并把药物名称和用量等重要信息放在黑线上端,其他的信息则放在下面。
Ms. Adler next considered the shape of the bottles. The wraparound labels on conventional round bottles were difficult to read, so she designed a flat tube-shaped container that stood upright on its cap, with plenty of room for a large, flat label that could be read easily at a glance. Also, by color-coding the bottles, she made it possible for family members to distinguish among their individual medications. Her simpler, clearer drug packaging has been adopted by Target pharmacies nationwide.
Smart companies test product information by finding out how customers perceive it and how much of it the customers actually comprehend. Measuring perception alone can be misleading because people are often reluctant to confess their confusion. They view it as a personal failing rather than as a flaw in the information. Measuring their ability to perform tasks based on the information is a more reliable indicator of its clarity and precision.
This type of testing can be conducted quickly and cheaply with online panels of consumers. For example, testing a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (a current client of ours), a taxpayer might be asked how much they would pay in penalties and interest if they missed a deadline, revealing their actual understanding of the consequences of their actions, not just their impression of the tone and clarity of the notice. Similarly, patients can be asked what dosage of medication to take and when so that we don't have to guess whether they truly understand the package directions.
由于网络上有大量消费者资源,这种测试可以非常便捷,又无需花很多钱。例如,如果要测试美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)(目前是我们的客户)的一则通知,纳税人可能需要回答,如果错过最后期限他们需要支付多少罚金和利息,从中就可以看出他们对行动的后果的真实理解,而不光是了解到他们对信息的大致印象。同样,病人可能会被问到用药的计量以及用药时间,这样我们就不需要猜测他们是否真正理解了包装上的说明。
Simplicity is slowly catching on as a standard. The Pew Charitable Trust, for instance, is trying to develop simplified model documents on financial topics such as banking fees, about which there is widespread and costly confusion. The model form that Pew put forward last year has been voluntarily adopted by several of the nation's largest banks─a very encouraging sign.
简单正在慢慢成为一种标准。例如,皮尤慈善信托基金会(Pew Charitable Trust)正在努力开发简化版本的金融文件,比如银行费用,人们对银行费用存在广泛的困惑,而这种困惑的代价相当高昂。美国的几家大型银行主动采用了皮尤慈善信托基金会去年推出的模板,这是一个令人振奋的信号。
Similarly, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working its way through the disclosures related to major consumer financial transactions (student loans, home mortgages, payday lending) with an eye to making it easier for borrowers to do comparison shopping. Local governments such as New York City are simplifying residents' interactions with the bureaucracy through systems such as a 311 hotline for complaints and urgent matters. And social media is allowing all of us to get closer to companies and institutions and to make known our concerns and compliments.
同样,消费者金融保护局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)正在研究与主要的消费者金融交易有关的信息公开(学生贷款、住房抵押贷款、发薪日借贷),目标是使借款者更容易比较消费。通过311投诉和紧急事务热线等系统,纽约等地的地方政府正在简化消费者与金融保护局之间的互动。社交媒体也正在使人们与企业机构间建立更密切的关系,使人们的担忧和好评能被更好地了解。
What do we still need to simplify? For ordinary personal and commercial transactions, we need brief online contracts with interactive features explaining key words, concepts and computations. We need personal health records that can be easily used and updated by all health-care providers. We need summaries of our home and auto insurance that clearly explain how we will be reimbursed when the next storm hits; clear, one-page hospital bills that will allow us to recognize each element in the care that we receive; and a simplified tax code that will eliminate the need for costly tax return preparation by professionals.
For any modification or addition to its pristine home page, Google GOOG -1.06% has a famous zero-based approach, which is meant to avoid creeping complexity. The company requires extensive justification for any new visual element, assigning 'points' for each change in type style, size or color. The goal is the fewest number of points because, as the company says, 'More points = less simplicity.' Other institutions would do well to adopt a similar approach for evaluating new services, communications and products.
Simplicity may sound like a narrow standard, but it can help companies, governments and every other sort of organization winnow down unnecessary choices and clarify their messages to consumers, clients and citizens. We may not quite be able to re-create Thoreau's calm life on Walden Pond, but it is always possible to drive improvement by simplifying.
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