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2013-04-14来源:time management ninja

Are you working on something BIG right now? If you are, my guess is that your to-do list is a mess, some part of you is afraid the project will fall apart, and your stress level is through the roof. You are simply overwhelmed.

The reality is this—if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you are simply being foolish. Being overwhelmed is proof that your perspective has been knocked totally out of whack.


Why? Because overwhelm is nothing more than a product of becoming too focused on the big picture…when all you really need to worry about is what you must accomplish in the next 15 minutes.

How to Master “Small Bite” 15-Minute Tasks

You can reverse the creation of any project, no matter how huge it might seem, into small components that can each be done in 3-to-15-minute chunks of time. And if you think three minutes can’t be a long time, try jump roping for three minutes. I bet you can’t do it. I’m serious. You cannot do it. Time it. Three minutes is longer than you think.

After working in the publishing industry as both a manager and an author for over 30 years, the example I always come back to is writing a book.

When you reverse the creation of a book, you see that each one is made up of chapters. Every chapter is made up of paragraphs. Every paragraph is made up of sentences. Every sentence is made up of words. Every word is made up of letters.

With that in mind, think about the big project YOU want to start (or are currently working on), and do the following:

1. List the 10 main components that make up your project.

Pick one and hone in on the one aspect of that component on which you can spend the next 15 minutes. Some of those tasks could be totally scratched off your list with 15 minutes of intense work. If you spend 15 minutes creating a list of titles, you will at the very least create a wave of momentum that will keep the ideas coming for the next 24-48 hours.