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2013-04-14来源:time management ninja
2. Ride the motivation.

The funny thing about motivation is that it only truly comes after you start working and creating movement. Despite the millions of “motivational” books, programs, and speakers out there, the truth is that none of that stuff provides real, long lasting motivation.

Think about it—when do you feel motivated? Before you sit down and make yourself start working on something…or after you’ve pushed through those initial feelings of discomfort and the really good ideas start to flow?

Once you hit that wave of motivation, keep riding it. Every 15 minutes, move on to the next 15-minute task.

3. Realize that you’re halfway there.

One time in high school I was totally stuck on writing a term paper. I had all these ideas, but wasn’t sure of the direction I wanted to take. When I asked my teacher for help, he offered a piece of advice that has stayed with me ever since.

“Robert,” he said, “just start. Starting is half finished.”

Start. Right now. No matter how unsure of yourself you may be. Take that leap forward, list your 10 tasks, and pick the one thing you’re going to give 100% of your focus to for the next 15 minutes. If you stay focused on the 15-minute moment in front of you, you can forget about feeling overwhelmed.

So often we completely overestimate what we are capable of doing in the next year…while drastically underestimating what we can do in the next 15 minutes. This moment is all you have. Don’t underestimate its power.

What will you do with the next 15 minutes? Yes, I literally mean the NEXT 15 minutes.