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2013-04-27来源:time management

Does even the thought of travel stress you out? Do you dread the packing, preparing, and then waiting at the airport? Travel doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to be so stressed out with the journey that you can’t enjoy your destination.

When traveling for business or pleasure, the last thing you want to do is spend all your time fretting the details. Yet, for most people, a trip is a grand production. Often, getting ready for a trip seems to take much more effort than the trip itself.

Much of travel stress is self-inflicted. Lack of preparation leads to forgotten items. Lack of planning leads to last minute rush and stress. How do you minimize the stress and life friction involved with traveling?


Here are 10 Tips to Help Your Travel Be Effortless:

1. Pack the Night Before

You don’t want the added stress of packing the day of your trip. Inevitably, something is missing or still “in the laundry.” Packing the night before gets your trip off on the right foot.

2. Use a Packlist

To make your packing effortless, use a packlist. Using a packlist allows you to pack in a fraction of the time, and gives you the peace of mind that you have everything before you leave the house. (I have used the same packlist for over 15 years.)

3. Have a Place For Your Stuff

When you are on the road, you don’t want to lose items. Receipts, keys, sunglasses, and more seem to get misplaced quickly. Keep control by having a designated place for each of them. For example, I put my parking ticket in the exact same spot in my wallet every time. I also have specific places for my keys, receipts, and even my car at the airport lot.

4. Use Social Media to Get Help

When you are traveling, it can be a hassle to get on the phone for travel assistance. A great time-saving tip is to use social media channels to get help. Especially when getting airline assistance, Twitter can be the simplest and most effective means of getting help. Instead of spending 20 minutes on the phone, with a single tweet I can often get my seat changed or get a flight update. Your hotel may not be as social media savvy as the airlines, but they are getting there.

5. Have Stuff to Do on the Plane

Even if you think you are going to rest on the plane, always have materials with you. It may just be the reading items you want to catch up on. Or it could be your latest work project. You never know when a 1 hour flight might turn into a 4 hour ordeal. Be prepared to do more than read the SkyMall magazine.