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6. What to Do if you are Stalled in an Elevator?

1) Push the "Door Open" Button

If you are near the landing the door will open. You can slowly and carefully step out of the elevator. Be sure to watch your step as the elevator floor may, or may not, be level with the landing.

2) Remain Calm

If the door does not open, you are still safe. Do not try to exit the elevator. Wait for trained emergency personnel to arrive. Even if the air temperature feels warm, there is plenty of air circulating in the elevator and its shaftway.

3) Press the Alarm or Help Button, and Use Any Available Communication Systems

Push the alarm button and wait for someone to respond to you.
按下“报警” 按钮,等待他人回复。

In newer elevators, there will be a "PHONE" or "HELP" button instead of an alarm button this will place a call to a party that is trained to take action (i.e. elevator company, alarm company, etc.). It will give the exact location of the building and elevator you are in. Trained emergency personnel will answer the call for service within several minutes.
在新的电梯内,会有一个“手机” 或“帮助”按钮代替原始紧急呼叫按钮。专业救援团队(比如:电梯公司,报警公司等)收到呼叫信号后,可以迅速定位你所在的故障电梯位置。救援人员将在几分钟之后到达故障地点解决问题。

Some elevators have a two-way speaker system or telephone that will allow for communication between you and the building or rescue personnel. Do not be alarmed if you cannot be heard or if the phone does not work. Some phones are designed to only receive calls. Trained personnel should call when they arrive at the building.
有些电梯有双向对讲机或电话 ,你可以和物业或救援人员直接交流。如果听不到对方的声音,也不要惊慌,因为有些电话只有接听功能,在救援人员到达后会致电联系你。

4) Relax, and DO NOT Try to Extract Yourself from the Elevator

NEVER try to exit a stalled elevator car. It is extremely dangerous. ALWAYS wait for trained emergency personnel.

Your best course of action is to relax, get comfortable, and wait for professional assistance.

You may be inconvenienced but you are SAFE.