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老鼠怕猫是谣传!大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观


This was less like a game of cat and mouse, and more like a show of lunchtime bullying.

When Mango the cat visited his food bowl for a bite to eat, he found a tiny field mouse had already got there first.

But rather than exhibit any of his natural feline hunting skills, timid Mango simply left the brazen visitor to it.

老鼠怕猫是谣传!大胆老鼠抢猫粮 喵星人竟默默围观

Owner Chris Brown, who lives in Brighton, said Mango didn't know what to make of the cheeky intruder.

He said: 'When I came downstairs I spotted Mango sitting staring closely at his bowl. When I glanced across I was surprised to see a mouse sitting in the bowl and calmly helping itself to some food. Mango didn't seem to know quite what to do and appeared a lot more afraid of the mouse than it did of Mango!'

Rather than try and catch the mouse, or even chase it away, terrified Mango made do by sipping water while his bold companion nibbled away.

Eventually Mango summoned the energy to take an interest in the mouse, but seemed more interested in making friends than demonstrating his killer instinct.

'At one point it appeared that he had discovered his lost instincts when he backed the mouse into a corner,' said Chris. 'Ultimately, however, he didn't touch a hair on its head and the mouse happily went on its way after eating its fill.'