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领导者发怒的艺术:看准时机 掌握火候


领导者发怒的艺术:看准时机 掌握火候

After almost three years of President Obama's leadership, the economy is still dismal and Americans are angry. In a speech on unemployment and the national debt delivered from the Rose Garden last week, the president seemed fired up too.

The president's tone was a marked departure from his usual, cool-headed demeanor. He sounded combative, and people noticed. The Huffington Post even recapped the speech in an article entitled "Obama Finally Grows a Pair."
人们发现,在此次演说中,奥巴马总统一反常态,他的语气听起来并不像往常一样冷静,反而显得咄咄逼人。《郝芬顿邮报》(The Huffington Post)简要报道了此次演讲,更是将报道的标题命名为《奥巴马终于成熟了》(Obama Finally Grows a Pair)。

Anger, it turns out, can be a very useful emotion for leaders. But expressing anger during an event such as a public speech is a tricky tactic that, when executed poorly, can cause a backlash.