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领导者发怒的艺术:看准时机 掌握火候

But the worst-case response to a tone change like this one is to hear crickets, says Virginia Healy-Tangney, a lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management. After all, there's nothing more frustrating than getting no response when you're angry.
麻省理工学院斯隆商学院(MIT's Sloan School of Management)讲师维吉尼亚?海利-汤尼表示,最糟糕的情况是,演讲者改变了语气,却没有得到相应的回应。言者怒火中烧,听者无动于衷,没有比这更令人沮丧的事了。

Strong language can function as an effective wake-up call. Earlier this year, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop got the world to pay attention to his company again by the way he framed its current crisis. Elop said Nokia (NOK) was like a person standing on a burning platform and would have to jump into icy water to save itself.

Leaders in crisis mode sometimes have to convey anger or aggressiveness to appear relevant, says Healy-Tangney. She remembers when Ronald Logue, then-CEO of State Street, her previous employer, spoke to the company about the massive layoffs he was forced to make because of the financial crisis. He was angry about the situation, and he conveyed it. Despite hearing tough news, employees responded well to the speech, Healy-Tangney says.
海利?汤尼称,有时候,身处危机中的领导者需要通过传达自己的愤怒或表现得咄咄逼人,让自己看起来与听众感同身受。她想起自己之前的老板、时任道富集团(State Street)CEO的罗纳德?罗格。当时,道富集团要进行大规模裁员,罗格称由于金融危机的影响,自己也是被逼无奈。他对当时的情况愤怒不已,并且毫不掩饰自己的情绪。结果,海利?汤尼说,虽然裁员并不是好消息,但员工对罗格的话却反响很好。